Pictures are done! Well, we got them taken today and we got the cd so her are a few cute ones of us and the kids. They actually did very well for taking two hours... and being hungery. Lilly had her synergist shot as well as a Rogam shot, slowly we are getting her caught up! Dylan also hadto get X-rays of his leg becuase he did "something" to it, so his leg welted u ad it was black and blue today. Somehow it got infected...whatever he did... and he needed to be put on an antibiotic to clear it up. They also increased her volumes to 90 or 3 ounces, she still isn't gaining enough weight!
Om another important note, we have been home exactly three weeks today with no extreme issues!! It has been another good few dys and I still know God is blessing our house!
Please send love to our extended families in Milwaukee trying to put their families back together again!! We LOVE YOU ALL!
Talk about puting your foot in your mouth!
He's NOT camera shy!! My ladies man, Dylan
What a beautiful family with beautiful children! I just love the pictures you had taken of Lilly. She does really look good in spite of all she's been through. My Max didn't look that good at that age. So take it as a word of encouragement.