Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No News is good News!

Sorry for the updates... or lack there of! I have had nothing really big to post on. Lilly's ECHO in Marshfield went well and we have been dealing with the G-tube hole to close. Some days I think it was better when it was still in. She can be uncomfortable and the site itches quite a bit. Eating has been so-so and we still haven't inched past the 18 pound mark. She is just so active that it can be hard to get her to sit down and eat a good meal. Pork fried rice is the new fav along with dried cereal that she can eat on the run.

Speach is now coming once a month along with her therapy to improve her balance. Within the next few months they believe she will be completely caught up in her milestones. She is in love with her "Signing Time" videos and can sign "Leah" (the little girl on the video) when she wants to watch it.

A few weeks ago in Wal mart, something amazing happened. Paul and Dylan had gone into the restroom while Lilly and I waited outside. She had turned to run and ran right into a Lady (Wal Mart was packed by the way). I apologized and we started to talk. Come to find out their son was a HLHS baby (notice how I say was). He had done his Norwood when they discovered a hole between his heart chambers. The blood pushed into the left chamber and it GREW! He is now a normal baby, although he will need some reconstructive surgeries to his pulminary artery. I was in so much shock I forgot to even get their names :(.

Dylan is being enrolled into 4K and we are awaiting the paperwork. He is so excited! I have been working with him more and he can write is own name.

With Dylan's 4th Birthday and Lilly's 2nd Birthday right around the corner, I will post some new pictures as we are having their party on March 12th at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome to come if they can for supper, cake and ice cream!