Friday, October 23, 2009

To the cardiologist!

Lilly had a cardiologist appointment this morning and was going to get some immunizations... that didn't happen!
We got there and Dr. Dietz looked at her and said everything looked wonderful!! Good news to us. But then came the nurse... when we took her in on Tuesday, the did a blood culture, and it came back today! It seems that Lilly had H1N1, that is why she was so sick on Tuesday, so she couldn't get any shots this time. Dr. Dietz wants us to mix the formula at 24 cal instead of 27 just for a week because of the H1N1, she doesn't want to push her tummy. The 27 cal seems to give her diarrhea....we don't need her getting dehydrated too.
Being that Lilly had H1N1, means that the rest of the family more than likely has it too! Paul has been feeling crummy the pas few days and Dylan is acting fussy lately too. I, on the other hand feel just fine and dandy..... knock on wood... we'll see how the next few days go!

At least she took it well, just a little fussy and a fever, no hospital this time!!

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