Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ER visit

Hi everyone! Last week was pretty eventful so I wanted to fill everyone in.

For all of you that know Lilly, she is a climber and loves to get into trouble...a typical 21 month old starting her terrible two's a little early. On Wednesday night, Lilly had climbed onto our dining room chair and before I was able to intervene, fell off backwards and smacked her head pretty good. I ran to pick her up because she had not cried and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Let me just say that my heart stopped and boy did I freak out!!

She had knocked herself unconscious and the 911 call was made. Surprisingly the first responder team got here pretty quickly...so did the phone calls from our worried neighbors. Although they had stopped at the next door neighbors thinking it was them who called in, who informed them they should check to see if I was the one who made the call. I don't really blame the First responders as we have 30 some inches of snow and you can't really see the fire numbers very well. When they did arrive to our house, she was very white but was alert when they arrived but they wanted to take her in to be checked out just in case. The first responders could not have handled the situation better and both Lilly and Dylan got new stuffed bunnies from the EMTs.
Dylan was prepared to stay at the house with the first responder Rick, however Grandma and Grandpa followed Paul home and arrived just as Lilly and I were getting into the ambulance.
Lilly actually did really well on the trip to Chippewa Falls (it is an hour drive) and Rick taught her a new word, "bunny". He was really a lifesaver on keeping her still and quiet on the ride. Her O2 stats were 90 on the ride over ( I knew that was wrong!)
By the time we arrived, Her O2 stat was right where it has been, 80-85%. Lilly was back to her normal self and we could finally see the bruises from her fall. One above her ear, on her shoulder and one on her hip. Needless to say she had had some other falls that week and had fallen out of bed and played hard with Dylan. These also made "wonderful" bruises on her head; a goose egg on her forehead and one on each of her cheek bones. The ER doctor swears that Dylan is beating her up, I said "You should see my son, Lilly is the one doing the beating". This is true.... Lilly loves to be "one of the boys" and it can be funny the things she can come up with.
Anyway, all was well and she was released within an hour.

Thursdays was her Cardiologist appointment (no, we did not do an ECHO). Lilly did amazingly well and did not cry when they listened or did her blood pressure or weight, 17 pounds 14 ounces by the way!! We should be able to push back the Fontan farther.. they are now thinking around 3-5 years old. She did get approval to have the G-tube removed and we are looking into a date and I should know more by the end of the week. They will sedate her for the G-tube removal and then we can make sure that we get a really good ECHO as well, it is better for all of us. This will be done in Marshfield because our local hospitals are not equipped to handle her if something would go wrong.

Friday, we had a routine appointment where Dr. Jeremy Forster put in his two cents about her G-tube being removed. He thinks that we should get some special casts for her arms and legs, along with a helmet and make her into "Iron Baby". We all were able to get some humor out of the activity level of our dare devil.
I will let everyone know when the appointment will be scheduled for the G-tube removal. Until then stay healthy and God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Not like you have enough on your plate.....that is scary. Glad to hear everything worked out (as well as it could have) and that the Fontan won't be anytime soon. Stay away from the hospitals little Lillyann! Love - The Smiths
