Sunday, May 2, 2010

What a weekend!

It happend again, for the last time that I could stand it! G tube came out.... another faulty tube (there is a pin hole, just like the last 5). By the time Lilly woke (cause she was wet and hungry) the hole was closed so much we couldn't get the mic-key button back in. I called the on-call GI doc who told us to rush to the ER. Yeah, right....with a sleeping 3 year old at 3 in the morning. Nope...not us, we knew that we needed something to keep the hole open, so my wonderful husband thought, " hmm, what about the tubing from the pump bag"! Geinius!!! It worked! we put it in and tied a knot it the other end taped it down to last us until morning. But, yes, my magical daughter pulled that one out too! By the time we noticed we both thought it was too late (but at least it was almost 8). Got the kids dressed, called Dr. Jermey (pediatrician) and headed for the ER.
Did I ever mention how much I think of our PED's doctor? Well, He came into the ER, yeah on his day off, and placed a NICU NG tube in with no issues. and recommeded getting what is called a BARD tube. It is less likely to come out..... for those "special/magical children". We should know by tomorrow when and what will happen, I just wish they would have siggested this 4 tubes ago! Lilly is taking all oral for tonight (don't wanna push it falling out again, even though we darn near duct taped it to her) Should do fine for tonight I'll keep updated for what we find.

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