Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weston here we come..

I took Lilly in this morning to her pediatrician to attempt to get her tube size up. We did manage to get from a size 8 to a 10, the 12 did not go in. ( I kind of figured that it wouldn't) So tomorrow Paul and I have to take her to Weston, a little sub-town of Wausau (about 130 miles away) to have her GI doctor, Dr. Fish, put a new tube (AMT mini non-balloon button) in and move up her size. This will need to be done with local anesthesia, which can be difficult with Lilly and all of her heart issues.

This AMT mini should be a good fit with her. I have high hopes that this will eliminate our past problems with the balloon tubes which tend to break. This is a link to her new tube that will be going in. along with some info about it. http://www.appliedmedical.net/amtmininonbal.htm. This will fit tighter to her skin, for less chance of her pulling on it. Also it works with all of the tube accessories that we have now (we don't need to learn about new ones). The ONLY down fall that we can see at this time is that if for some reason it does come out, it would mean an emergency trip to Marshfield. Non of our local hospitals will replace this (don't ask me why...it looks easy) nor can we replace it at home. If all goes well, she can have this tube for up to a year before it needs to be changed.

Please pray that all goes well tomorrow for our strong girl, and Dylan too. He has become VERY protective of his sister and cries when we leave him without her..... almost knowing that something is wrong. I am blessed to have two very passionate and caring children, and I count my blessings daily! I will fill everyone in to how we are doing and how it went soon.

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