Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Cardiologist

Friday Lilly had her Cardiologist appointment in Chippewa Falls. Dr. dietz wanted another echo because the one we tried to do last time wasn't the greatest. It was a little disturbing.....Lilly's heart function isn't the greatest, that's what they told us since CHW discharge, little did I fully understand what they ment. The right side of Lilly's heart is barely pumping! So we were informed to increase her Captopril dose to 4mL to see if that helps. Also she hadn't, according to their scales, gained even 1/2 an ounce in 6 weeks....not good. We are going to mess around with her overnight feeds to try to get her gaining weight. I have a gut feeling that when we go to Milwaukee after Christmas and she hasn't gained they will keep her there!!
Dylan is SO excited about Santa and talks about him all the time. We have started with our parties and he absoultly loves opening presents!!!
Besides all that fun stuff we are just enjoying being a family for Chritmas... I know there are others who aren't that fortunate. Eveyone please remember the true spirit of and just say Hi to someone to make their day. We are ALL blessed in one way or another.



  1. Hello Geslers! I ran across your blog from Caden's page. Lilly looks so cute! As much as we miss you here, we don't want to see you back at CHW. You better ask Santa for a little fat for Lilly. Maybe sneak her a few of Santa's cookies... ;-) Have a Merry Christmas with your family!!!

    Nurse Julie

  2. Hey there Geslers. I wanted to drop you a note to let you know we are thinking about you and hope that you have a very merry Christmas. You and Paul have been through so much this year it is the right time to sit back and relect. Reflect on how you found the strength you never new you had. Reflect on how much each of you love each other. Reflect on how blessed you are by God to have the family together this holiday season.

    This part is for Lilly so please let her read this (dont peak yourself): Lilly, you beautiful little peanut. You start impressing mom, dad, and Dylan by picking up on the eating. You are stonger than you will ever realize and you need to keep up the fight by eating and getting stronger. I will kneel down and pray tonight that you heart function increases, that the right ventricle gets stonger, and that you grow to be a wonderful person. I talk to God a lot and I know he hears me so I will take care of that part. You take care of the eating part. Got it!?!

    All of our love and friendship to you this holiday season.

    David, Melissa, and Caden
