Saturday, March 20, 2010


Sorry it has been a while but now time to update over the past week or so. There is a bit to say so I will start from the top.

March 7th Paul and I took the kids to the Mall of America's Under Water Aquarium. We went with by brother and his girlfriend, and his two kids as well. We had SO much fun!! Lilly didn't say much the whole time...she watched the sharks and fish swim above us in awe. Dylan touched a crab and some other stuff. He had a blast with his cousins! Afterwards we went to my other brother's girlfriend's graduation ceramony. I forgot how boring those are!! The poor kids were out of their minds. We stayed there until they called her name and then out the door we went. Overall great day!! That night on the other hand, things went sour. Dylan, Lilly and I all were coughing and feeling crummy....which continued through the next day.

March 8th Still feeling crummy the kids and I chilled in our PJ's all day; didn't really want to do anything! That night is when the fevers hit with a ton of bricks! Lilly was coughin so bad it was making her vomit three to four times that night. Did I mention she wouldn't eat hardly anything all day either?

Tuesday the 9th Paul took off work...cause I felt REALLY GREAT and all, to help me take the kids to Lilly's GI doctor, Dr. Fish.
That went well, he put her on a new medication to "make stuff flow faster" to hopefully get her hungier. The had Dr. Forster come in to check the kids. He thought it looked like Croupe (don't think that is spelled right) and gave them each a one-time pill to help. That night again with the fevers and coughing.
Next day did some more laziness and watched cartoons. Now when Lilly ate during the day she would couch and vomit some more. All this time the night feeds are going poorly and we even dropped them down to 30ccs per hour overnight.
Thursday the 11th~ The day seemed to be going better both kids were moving around but just looked tired and was not hungery at all. With the kids' birthday party on Sunday I thought...'finally we're getting over this!!' Little did I know.....
Paul and I stuck the kids with my sister-in-law so we could go to the store for birthday stuff. When we got back she told me that Lilly was warm but she didn't give her any medicine because she didn't know how much to give her. Not a big thing until I took her temp.... 102.8 (yeah I automatically got scared). I called her cardiologist who calmly told me to take her to our local ER to make sure she wasn't dehydrated and push fluids...any fluids. I took her advice and at 11pm I was in the local ER waiting for them to tell me to take her home and give her pedialyte. By midnight they checked her out and said " She needs to be admitted she is really dehydrated!" So anyway...I am rambling...they called Spirit (our local transport team from Marshfield) and by 2AM they wisked her away by helocopter!
 I rushed there in my truck and was there by 5AM. They had put her in the PICU and as I walked through the doors, I could hear her. Screamming bloody murder (they were attempting to put a catheter in to check her urine), her o2 stats were in the 60's while her Heart rate was 160's. Yeah, she was blue! They never did get that tube in and she cried herself to sleep. Everytime she woke up she screamed and again her stats went down. Finally by 10AM I was a little over tired and snapped! I told the first doctor that I could find to get in there and look at her! In which he attemped to tell me that they were waiting on blood tests. Yeah he did end up going in there to look at her and what do you know,....and full blown ear infection! Quickly they gave her an antibiotic in her IV and I earned some respect.
Friday was a blur from being so tired but here is the jist of it. They tested for RSV came back negitive and whatever else came back negitive as well. We were switched from the PICU to just a pediatric unit after they realized this wasn't anything to do with her heart. (It took until about 1PM for them to notice that!)
Everytime I left the room, Lilly screamed, everyttime a doctor or nurse came in, even just to talk to me, again she screamed! They slowly restarted feeds throughout the night until the next morning.
On Saturday, with only one small emisis over night, Lilly and I had a very restful sleep! When she woke up, she was smiling at the doctors and talking to them, I knew she was feeling better. So...I walked out to the nurses station and just happened to run in to that same doctor in the PICU and asked if we could take out the IV. He smartly replied with a "I thought you'd want to take her home". Of course I did so by 1 PM Lilly and I were out the door and on our way home.
This is just a reminder to me how hard this next surgery will be. My sweet baby girl to have to deal with all of this by age one...which is this Wednesday by the way!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY sounds like Lilly has given you a scare!! Thomas has had something like that, couple weeks ago, but it was that dramic like Lilly!! Glad she is feeling better!! Happy 1st Birthday! Enjoy every minut of it!

    Tracie Barreca
