Dylan absoulutly loves school! His 4K teacher, Miss Welhofer, is new to the school and has been a great asset to the Bloomer District. Sometimes he gets home and surprises me with all of the new things he learns. Sometimes I wonder how he got to be so smart! Tomorrow they are actually making all the 4K families a Thanksgiving Feast! It should be very interesting!
Lilly had a little scare a few weeks ago. Her O2 stats dropped, around the mid 70's, and we could tell she was getting tired out easily. Dr Dietz did an Echo and thinks everything is going better than expected and has pushed the surgery back until next winter... just to get it done before she starts school (gulp). Unless she gives us real signs that she needs it. Lilly has graduated from the Birth 2 three program and is learning more everyday. I think that it is so cute when we are in the car and she starts to sing whatever is playing or she will sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star that ends with the ABC's. What a personality she has!
Paul went in to the doctor ro have his hip checked out, we had been having problems with it for over a month. They noticed a heart murmer and thought an ECHO was needed, it turns out he has a hole in the upper chambers of his heart about the size of his thumb and his Aortic valve is "sticky". A Catheter and a Heart MR was done November 9th and Lilly's Cardiologist was called in by me for a second opinion. He will need a heart surgery to repair the hole and to balloon open his valve. Dr Dietz is very invoved, which is great that she takes such care of not only her patient, but her Daddy too. She is wanting to have Dr. Twiddle (Lilly's surgion) perform the surgery on Paul soon. We will know more after the "Meeting of the Minds" with Marshfield Cardiology and Milwaukee Hospital.
We count our blessings daily and thank God for all he has given to our little family! I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and remember that those little things are sometimes the things that matter most!
Halloween- Dylan the Woody Cowboy and Lilly the Princess
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