Koda (8 weeks) our newest member of the family
Oh we had a VERY eventful weekend!! Friday Paul, the kids and I drove 2 hours to get a puppy that I had found online! Cute little mutt too (Koda) Like on the Disney movie "Brother Bear". Yeah anyway, picked up our mutt.. LOL...got home around 8 or so then got the kids ready for bed. Paul put Lilly in her crib while I was in the kitchen and I heard an "OH SH---!" Yeah you guessed it the pulling of the tube! Paul and I got it back in but, it refused to vent! So in to our local ER I went. Paul stayed behind with Dylan. Upon arrival, I realized that I forgot a extension, so I showed the ER doc my trick on how to flush without one (he seemed to think it was VERY clever....common sense stuff to me (no tube OH well)) We found that it was placed correctly but thinks it was a faulty tube. Guess what the CLOSEST hospital with the size we needed was Milwaukee....yeah! We are suffering with a faulty tube until Walgreens gets another one here... stuff only NEEDS to go IN anyway!!
Saturday Paul and I had the day to ourselves. We thought it was necessary to drive 2 hours to the cities (With his truck.. big old CHEVY) to get a flat screen and entertainment center! WOW!!! Got lost with a GPS finally ended up in traffic by IKEA (a furniture store RIGHT next to MALL OF AMERICA) where we found a center then thought it wise to try to fit the truck in a very small parking ramp to go to Mall of America to Sears! We looked for about 20 minutes for a spot big enough with no luck and ended up parking in what seemed to be a compact car spot.....Oh well! After we got home it took 4 hours to set up and install the TV and the center!!! Fun!!! Actually it WAS nice just getting away for the day (Thanks Aunt Brandi for watching the kids!)
Finished project! YEAH US!!