Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Found My Camera!! With more pics!

Oh... Funny thing happened this morning! Dylan had gone outside to play and he opened the door for Lilly (without my knowledge, while I was doing clothes) who was in nothing but a diaper. He comes running into the house screaming that Lilly was in the pool. (not really a pool, sand box full of water). Needless to say I hauled outside to find her sitting in a turtle sandbox full of dirty water looking as if she were taking a bath! Splashing around....just being a typical kid!
Lilly just so darn CUTE!
Lilly pushing her toy looking innocent
Getting into trouble!
Lilly taunting Koda
Lilly and Dylan enjoying outside
Dylan being his dirty self

Milwaukee April 2010
Chris, DJ and BB Harper
Ben with Mom, Dad, Big Brother and Big Sister
Ben Meert 2010
Ben and Gabbie
Gabie with mom and Dad
Jack with Mom and Dad

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gesler Family ~ Just thinking of you and wanted to see how Lilly was doing. I'm guessing no news is "good news". The pictures are great, as Lilly looks like she has some big shoes to fill following after big brother Dylan. Enjoy the rest of summer and just wanted to say "Hi". Miss seeing you guys ~ Love Melissa, David, and Caden Smith
