So today is the first day of my CHD awareness week of posts on Facebook. Looking back has been a fun, yet hard, time; reviewing memories and heartache. As I look back on the last almost 7 years, I am grateful for all of the memories that I have got to experience with Lillyann. Every year I celebrate her birthday and enjoy looking over pictures of her as she grows.
Today I tapped into the "what is it" kind of thing. I explained HLHS and what the process is. Over the next few days I will continue to post my memories and the pain that we have endured as a family.
I am grateful for her doctors who have supported my decisions over the years about her care. Who can ease my fear with a quick 10 minute check-up to assure me that she is okay. The nurses that take that extra time to give both Lilly and myself a hug after every appointment. Doctor Julie Dietz that hugs me and assures me that I am doing a great job as her mother.
Sometimes I seem like I have it all together. I know everything that I have mapped out in my head doesn't always work but I still try to keep a calm head. I still need that little boost of confidence that allows me to cry out my worries and fears to begin the next step and move on.